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#include "Trooper.h"
#include <Kismet/GameplayStatics.h>
#include "Net/UnrealNetwork.h"
// Sets default values
ATrooper::ATrooper() {
bReplicates = true;
PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
// MyStaticMesh = CreateDefaultSubobject<UStaticMeshComponent>("Mesh");
// RootComponent = MyStaticMesh;
// MeshPath = TEXT("StaticMesh'/Game/StarterContent/Props/SM_Chair.SM_Chair'");
// static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UStaticMesh> MeshToUse(MeshPath);
// if (MeshToUse.Object) {
// MyStaticMesh->SetStaticMesh(MeshToUse.Object);
// }
// void ATrooper::SetStaticMesh() const {
// static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UStaticMesh> MeshToUse(
// TEXT(
// "StaticMesh'/Game/CityofBrass_Enemies/Static/Wizard_StaticMesh.Wizard_StaticMesh'"
// )
// );
// if (MeshToUse.Object) {
// MyStaticMesh->SetStaticMesh(MeshToUse.Object);
// }
// }
// Called when the game starts or when spawned
void ATrooper::BeginPlay() {
void ATrooper::Initialize(uint8 const NewPlayerIndex,
FVector const SpawnLocation,
uint8 const NewId) {
PlayerIndex = NewPlayerIndex;
bIsMoving = false;
AttackPlayedTime = 0.0f;
CurrentLocation = SpawnLocation;
Id = NewId;
void ATrooper::Tick(float const DeltaTime) {
if (bIsAttacking) {
AttackPlayedTime += DeltaTime;
if (AttackPlayedTime >= AttackDuration) {
AttackPlayedTime = 0.0f;
bIsAttacking = false;
if (bIsMoving) {
FVector PositionVector = (TargetLocation - CurrentLocation);
PositionVector *= (Speed * DeltaTime);
if (PositionVector.Size() >= (TargetLocation - CurrentLocation).Size()) {
CurrentLocation = TargetLocation;
bIsMoving = false;
} else {
CurrentLocation += PositionVector;
void ATrooper::MoveTrooper(FVector const NewPos) {
TargetLocation = NewPos;
bIsMoving = true;
uint8 ATrooper::GetId() const {
return Id;
void ATrooper::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(
TArray<FLifetimeProperty> &OutLifetimeProps) const {
DOREPLIFETIME(ATrooper, PlayerIndex);
DOREPLIFETIME(ATrooper, CurrentLocation);
DOREPLIFETIME(ATrooper, TargetLocation);
DOREPLIFETIME(ATrooper, bIsMoving);
DOREPLIFETIME(ATrooper, bIsAttacking);
DOREPLIFETIME(ATrooper, AttackPlayedTime);
uint8 ATrooper::GetPlayerIndex() const {
return PlayerIndex;
// ATrooperWizard::ATrooperWizard() {
// MeshPath = TEXT(
// // "StaticMesh'/Game/CityofBrass_Enemies/Static/Wizard_StaticMesh.Wizard_StaticMesh'");
// "StaticMesh'/Game/CityofBrass_Enemies/Static/SkeletonMelee_StaticMesh.SkeletonMelee_StaticMesh'");
// SetStaticMesh();
// }
// ATrooperSkeletonMelee::ATrooperSkeletonMelee() {
// MeshPath = TEXT(
// "StaticMesh'/Game/CityofBrass_Enemies/Static/SkeletonMelee_StaticMesh.SkeletonMelee_StaticMesh'");
// SetStaticMesh();
// }
FVector ATrooper::GetLocation() const {
return CurrentLocation;
void ATrooper::Attack() {
bIsAttacking = true;
float ATrooper::GetAnimationValue() {
if (bIsAttacking) {
return -100.0f;
if (bIsMoving) {
return 100.0f;
return 0.0f;
bool ATrooper::CheckMoveCorrectness(const FVector newPos) const {
return (newPos - CurrentLocation).Size() <= MoveRadius;
bool ATrooper::CheckAttackCorrectness(const FVector attackLocation) const {
return (attackLocation - CurrentLocation).Size() <= AttackRadius;