// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #include "MyPlayerController.h" #include "Kismet/GameplayStatics.h" #include "MyGameMode.h" #include "MyGameState.h" #include "MyPlayerState.h" #include "Net/UnrealNetwork.h" AMyPlayerController::AMyPlayerController() : Super()/*, bIsMyTurn(false), SelectedTrooper(nullptr)*/ { UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Player controller created")); SetShowMouseCursor(true); } void AMyPlayerController::SetupInputComponent() { Super::SetupInputComponent(); InputComponent->BindAction("MyAction", IE_Pressed, this, &AMyPlayerController::OnLeftMouseClick); } // void AMyPlayerController::SetMyTurn(bool bMyTurn) { // bIsMyTurn = bMyTurn; // if (bIsMyTurn) { // GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 3.0f, FColor::Green, // FString::Printf( // TEXT("CURRENT TURN: %d"), // PlayerIndex)); // } // OnMyTurnChanged.ExecuteIfBound(bIsMyTurn); // } // void AMyPlayerController::StartTurn_Implementation() { // SetMyTurn(true); // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Your turn, %d"), PlayerIndex); // } auto AMyPlayerController::GetMyGameState() const { return Cast(UGameplayStatics::GetGameState(GetWorld())); } auto AMyPlayerController::GetMyPlayerState() const { return GetPlayerState(); } auto AMyPlayerController::GetMyGameMode() const { return Cast( UGameplayStatics::GetGameMode(GetWorld())); } void AMyPlayerController::EndTurn() { // if (GetMyPlayerState()->IsMyTurn()) { // GetMyGameState()->CycleTurns(); // } GetMyPlayerState()->CycleTurns(); } // void AMyPlayerController::EndTurn_Implementation() { // GetMyPlayerState()->EndTurn(); // } // if (bIsMyTurn) { // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("End Turn from player %d"), PlayerIndex); // SetMyTurn(false); // if (SelectedTrooper) { // SelectedTrooper->SetSelection(false); // SelectedTrooper = nullptr; // } // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Not your turn, %d"), PlayerIndex); // AMyGameMode *gameMode = GetMyGameMode(); // gameMode->CycleTurns(); // } // } // AMyGameState *AMyPlayerController::GetMyGameState() const { // return dynamic_cast( // GetWorld()->GetGameState()); // } // void AMyPlayerController::MoveTrooper_Implementation( // ATrooper *Trooper, // FVector Location) { // if (Trooper->CheckMoveCorrectness(Location)) { // Trooper->MoveTrooper(Location); // // GetMyGameMode()->CycleTurns(); // } else { // GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 3.0f, FColor::Red, // FString::Printf( // TEXT("Out of move radius!"))); // } // } // void AMyPlayerController::AttackTrooper_Implementation( // ATrooper *Attacker, // ATrooper *Victim) { // if (Attacker->CheckAttackCorrectness(Victim->GetLocation())) { // Attacker->Attack(); // // GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, // // FString::Printf( // // TEXT("ATTACK!! %d attacked %d"), // // Attacker->GetId(), // // Victim->GetId())); // // GetMyGameMode()->CycleTurns(); // } else { // GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, // FString::Printf( // TEXT( // "Attack failed! Out of attack radius!"))); // } // } // void AMyPlayerController::Attack_Implementation(ATrooper *Attacker, // FVector Location, // int ActionIndex) { // if (Attacker && CurrentAction >= 1 && CurrentAction <= 2 && // Attacker->CheckAttackCorrectness(Location, CurrentAction)) { // Attacker->Attack(CurrentAction); // } else { // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, // TEXT("Out of radius or not enough Action Points")); // } // } void AMyPlayerController::SetPlayerIndex(uint8 NewPlayerIndex) { PlayerIndex = NewPlayerIndex; GetMyPlayerState()->SetPlayerIndex(NewPlayerIndex); // GetMyPlayerState()->PlayerIndex = NewPlayerIndex; } // float AMyPlayerController::SetCurrentActionAndReturnRadius(int action) { // return GetMyPlayerState()->SetCurrentActionAndReturnRadius(action); // // // CurrentAction = action; // // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("SetCurrentAction: %d on Player Controller " // // "with index %d"), CurrentAction, PlayerIndex); // // if (SelectedTrooper) { // // return SelectedTrooper->GetActionRadius(CurrentAction); // // } // // return 0.0f; // } // void AMyPlayerController::SetEnemySelection_Implementation( // const TArray &Troopers) const { // for (const auto Trooper : Troopers) { // if (Trooper != nullptr && Trooper->GetPlayerIndex() != PlayerIndex) { // Trooper->HighlightAsEnemy(); // } // } // } // void AMyPlayerController::SetEnemySelection_Implementation() { // if (!GetMyGameMode()) { // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Failed to get Game mode, Index: %d"), PlayerIndex); // return; // } // const auto &Troopers = GetMyGameMode()->GetTroopers(); // for (const auto Trooper : Troopers) { // if (Trooper != nullptr && Trooper->GetPlayerIndex() != PlayerIndex) { // Trooper->HighlightAsEnemy(); // } // } // } // void AMyPlayerController::SetEnemySelection(TArray &Troopers) const { // for (const auto Trooper : Troopers) { // if (Trooper->GetPlayerIndex() != PlayerIndex) { // Trooper->HighlightAsEnemy(); // } // } // } void AMyPlayerController::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps( TArray &OutLifetimeProps) const { Super::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(OutLifetimeProps); DOREPLIFETIME(AMyPlayerController, PlayerIndex); // DOREPLIFETIME(AMyPlayerController, CurrentAction); // DOREPLIFETIME(AMyPlayerController, bIsMyTurn); // DOREPLIFETIME(AMyPlayerController, SelectedTrooper); } void AMyPlayerController::OnLeftMouseClick() { if (!GetMyPlayerState()->IsMyTurn()) { return; } UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Mouse clicked")); // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Current action: %d"), CurrentAction); FHitResult HitResult; bool const IsHitResult = GetHitResultUnderCursorForObjects( TArray>{ObjectTypeQuery1}, false, HitResult); // GetHitResultUnderCursorForObjects(); // bool const IsHitResult = GetHitResultUnderCursorByChannel( // TraceTypeQuery1, false, HitResult); if (!IsHitResult) return; UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Got hit result")); GetMyPlayerState()->OnPlayerAction(HitResult); // auto const NewlySelectedLocation = HitResult.Location; // ATrooper *NewlySelectedTrooper = Cast( // HitResult.GetActor()); // // // skip re-selection // if (SelectedTrooper == NewlySelectedTrooper) { // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Skip reselection")); // return; // } // // if (NewlySelectedTrooper == nullptr || !NewlySelectedTrooper-> // IsValidLowLevel() || NewlySelectedTrooper->GetPlayerIndex() != // PlayerIndex) { // // we selected something that is not a trooper (or trooper in shitty state...) // // probably we should move to it if we can... // // // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Not a trooper")); // // // if initial trooper is valid... // if (SelectedTrooper != nullptr && SelectedTrooper->IsValidLowLevel()) { // switch (CurrentAction) { // case 0: // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Do move")); // // move this mf // MoveTrooper(SelectedTrooper, NewlySelectedLocation); // // and reset the selection.... // SelectedTrooper->SetSelection(false); // SelectedTrooper = nullptr; // break; // default: // // ATTACK! ATTACK! // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Do attack")); // Attack(SelectedTrooper, NewlySelectedLocation, // CurrentAction); // SelectedTrooper->SetSelection(false); // SelectedTrooper = nullptr; // break; // } // } // } else if (NewlySelectedTrooper != nullptr && NewlySelectedTrooper-> // IsValidLowLevel() && NewlySelectedTrooper->GetPlayerIndex() == // PlayerIndex) { // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Do reselect")); // // our move, selection // if (SelectedTrooper) { // SelectedTrooper->SetSelection(false); // } // SelectedTrooper = NewlySelectedTrooper; // SelectedTrooper->SetSelection(true); // } // // if (NewlySelectedTrooper == nullptr || !NewlySelectedTrooper-> // IsValidLowLevel()) { // // we selected something that is not a trooper (or trooper in shitty state...) // // probably we should move to it if we can... // // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Not a trooper")); // // // if initial trooper is valid... // if (SelectedTrooper != nullptr && SelectedTrooper->IsValidLowLevel()) { // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Do move")); // // move this mf // MoveTrooper(SelectedTrooper, NewlySelectedLocation); // // and reset the selection.... // SelectedTrooper->SetSelection(false); // SelectedTrooper = nullptr; // } // return; // } // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("New Selected Player Index %d"), // NewlySelectedTrooper->GetPlayerIndex()); // // skip re-selection // if (SelectedTrooper == NewlySelectedTrooper) { // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Skip reselection")); // return; // } // we selected valid trooper... // if (NewlySelectedTrooper->GetPlayerIndex() == PlayerIndex) { // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Do reselect")); // // our move, selection // if (SelectedTrooper) { // SelectedTrooper->SetSelection(false); // } // SelectedTrooper = NewlySelectedTrooper; // SelectedTrooper->SetSelection(true); // } else { // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Attack or skip...")); // // maybe selected trooper had gone crazy... // if (SelectedTrooper == nullptr || !SelectedTrooper->IsValidLowLevel()) // return; // UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Do attack")); // // ATTACK!!! ATTACK!!!!!! // AttackTrooper(SelectedTrooper, NewlySelectedTrooper); // SelectedTrooper->SetSelection(false); // SelectedTrooper = nullptr; // } }